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Daily Life in Kenya Survives the New Normal

Kenya relies heavily on imported edible oil, but most oil imports were crippled due to the pandemic. Since Kenya could only rely on its local supply, this posed a huge problem and put a great deal of pressure on domestic edible oil manufacturers, such as YNY’s customer. Although the situation offered the local manufacturers a unique opportunity for growth and development, factories were faced with the problem of how to preserve sustainable, long-term maintenance and support. YNY adopted Moxa Remote Connect (MRC), a software-hardware integrated cloud-based maintenance solution to provide this edible oil refinery customer with remote service that offered robust security and accessibility features.



  • On-site service became impossible after the pandemic took hold across the globe
  • Strong cybersecurity requirements: customers were reluctant to transmit their secret recipes over the Internet
  • Most automation engineers are not familiar with the IT knowledge required to set up remote connections and for handling information security


  • Moxa Remote Connect (MRC), cloud-based secure remote access:
    • Easy remote access configuration for the automation engineers
    • Customer’s secret recipes are protected with end-to-end encryption, which prevents data leakage and provides plant owners with on-demand remote access control
    • Meets a variety of communication requirements, including 1-to-1 and 1-to-many, with a single gateway at the field site


  • Largely decreased the troubleshooting time from more than two days to just two hours  
  • Eliminated all the headaches on the IT side, such as complex firewall settings and IP reconfigurations
  • No need to purchase multiple dedicated PCs and software licenses
  • Ensured the security of customer’s secret recipe

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