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MGate 5217 Series

2-port Modbus RTU/ASCII/TCP-to-BACnet/IP gateways

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Features and Benefits

  • Supports Modbus RTU/ASCII/TCP Client (Master) / Server (Slave)
  • Supports BACnet/IP Server / Client
  • Supports 600 points and 1200 points models
  • Supports COV for fast data communication
  • Supports virtual nodes designed to make each Modbus device as a separate BACnet/IP device
  • Supports quick configuration of Modbus commands and BACnet/IP objects by editing an Excel spreadsheet
  • Embedded traffic and diagnostic information for easy troubleshooting
  • Built-in Ethernet cascading for easy wiring
  • Industrial design with -40 to 75°C operating temperature range
  • Serial port with 2 kV isolation protection
  • Dual AC/DC power supply
  • 5-year warranty
  • Security features reference IEC 62443-4-2 cybersecurity standards


  • moxa-ce-certification-logo-image.png | Moxa
  • moxa-fcc-certification-logo-image.png | Moxa
  • moxa-ul-listed-certification-logo-image.png | Moxa
  • moxa-btl-certification-logo-image.png | Moxa
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The MGate 5217 Series comprise 2-port BACnet gateways that can convert Modbus RTU/ACSII/TCP Server (Slave) devices to BACnet/IP Client system or BACnet/IP Server devices to Modbus RTU/ACSII/TCP Client (Master) system. Depending on the size and scale of the network, you can use the 600-point or 1200-point gateway model. All models are rugged, DIN-rail mountable, operate in wide temperatures, and offer built-in 2-kV isolation for serial signals.

Easy Configuration Via Web Console and Excel Spreadsheet

The MGate 5217 Series comes with an intuitive UI design to make configuration easy. With that, you can easily access protocol conversion modes and finish the configuration in a few steps instead of installing an additional engineering utility in your computer. Besides, the MGate can generate Modbus commands and BACnet/IP objects by importing an Excel spreadsheet, which makes it easy to edit them.

Modbus and BACnet/IP Protocol Traffic Monitor and Diagnostics

The MGate 5217 gateways support Modbus and BACnet/IP Protocol Traffic Monitor and Diagnostics for easy troubleshooting, especially during the installation stage. Communication issues could be caused by incorrect software parameters, such as the wrong slave ID and register address, or an incorrect command configuration. With Diagnostics, you can check the communication status and view values at a glance. With Modbus/BACnet Protocol Traffic Monitor, you can check the captured data and easily identify the root cause.

Security Features Based on IEC 62443

Using network devices that reference the IEC 62443-4-2 cybersecurity standards and equipped with basic security capabilities is an effective precautionary measure to ward off cyberattacks. The MGate 5217 Series is capable of several basic security capabilities, including password cracking defense, sniffer and data breach prevention, whitelisting, and the account management.

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